Login to Trackmania Nadeo (level 2)
Login to Trackmania Ubisoft (level 1)
Login to Ubisoft (level 0)
Base64 encoded email:password
Refresh tokens
Get account zone
Access token
Account ID
Get map records for a account
Access token
Account id
Map id, optional. Leave out to get all records
Get info about a map
Access token
Get web identity based on account ids
Access token
account ids
Get more info about profiles
Profile ids
Get info about a season, with all the details, included info about map ids
Access token
The seasons uuid
Get info about a server
Access token
Server uid
Get Trophies
Access token
Get Trophy count
Access token
Account ID
Get trophy history
Access token
Account ID
Trophy type (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9)
Offset (default = 0)
Count (default = 35)
Get all the IDs from all the zones for internal use and to be able to call endpoints using this IDs
Access token
Obtain the information about the current arcade room and the next room
Access token
List clubs campaigns (used when we are in Solo Screen and looking for Club Campaigns)
Access token
Offset (default = 0)
Length (default = 75)
Sort (default = 'popularity')
Order (default = 'DESC')
Obtain all the information about the members of a club
Access token
Offset (default = 0)
Length (default = 27)
This is used to obtain the clubs in the Live section of the game
Access token
Offset (default = 0)
Length (default = 75)
Sort (default = 'popularity')
Order (default = 'DESC')
List all the clubs in the club section
Access token
Offset (default = 0)
Length (default = 90)
Obtain the leaderboards around a score
Access token
Group uid
Map uid
Get matchmaking rank of player(s)
Access token
Profile ids
Returns your record in everymap of that group, and your position in each zone
Access token
Group uid
Get your position in a group (ex: overall ranking on Summer Season 2020 in world, country, etc.)
Access token
Group uid
Obtain player rankings
Access token
Account ids
Obtain all the seasons, including seasonsIds, groupIds, mapIds, etc.
Access token
Offset (default = 0)
Length (default = 1)
Get the surrounding players around your score on a map, with no restriction of a group like the others endpoints (this is used in that little leaderboard in game)
Access token
Map uid
Obtain all the track of the days, with their respective mapUid and seasonUid
Access token
Offset (default = 0)
Length (default = 1)
Obtain the top players on a specific map from a specific group
Access token
Group uid
Map uid
Get the top leaders on a group (ex: top rankings on Summer Season 2020 in world, country, etc.)
Access token
Group uid
Get the top players of a map, with no restriction of a group like the others endpoints
Access token
Map uid
Generated using TypeDoc
Get configuration of a client
Requires no authentication